Watermelon, Beet, and Blueberry Chick'n Salad with Balsamic and Lime Dressing

Admittedly, for a blog about food made from veggies, I don’t typically share a lot of salads. First of all, most of the time they seem kind of self explanatory…and secondly, I like to share dishes that challenge the stereotype that folks who eat plant based diets ONLY eat salads. Having said all that, this one is too good not to share!

It is, hands down, a beautiful time of year. Blueberries are back in season and they are also on my favorites so it’s the perfect time for my Watermelon, Beet, and Blueberry Chick'n Salad with Balsamic and Lime Dressing! This is a great salad for entertaining outside because it not only looks beautiful but because there is no dairy…no fear if it comes up to room temp.

What you are going to need to buy:

Lettuce - (I know this seems vague, but seriously, use what you like…or what you have unhand! Maybe not iceberg! I used a summer mix of baby greens)

Watermelon, cut into 1/2” cubes

Fresh Blueberries

Pickled Beets, cut into 1/2” cubes - (Do not skip this ingredient! I know, I know…you don’t like beets, blah, blah, blah! Trust me! You need the tangy and salty flavor that they provide to balance all of the sweetness from the watermelon and the blueberries in this salad!

Vegan, “Chicken” - (I used the Gardein Chick’n Strips…not a vegetarian, use whatever chicken or chicken substitute you like.)

Smoked Gouda, Crumbled - (I used the Daiya Smoked Gouda Block and that’s what I would recommend. I like that smoked flavor and how it plays with the other ingredients in the salad. I know a lot of people like a tart or briney cheese, like a feta, with watermelon but with the beets in this dish, and remember you are NOT going to skip the beets…the smoky gouda is the way to go!)

Pistachios, chopped

Small Lime

Balsamic Vinegar - (I get mine locally here in Orlando from The Ancient Olive)

Fresh Mint

What you are going to need to do:

Assembly Time!

You really can’t screw this up too terribly. The only tip that I have for this salad, and all salads in general, if you are making it for a crowd, is to layer your ingredients so that when you dig into the bowl to serve it, everything is already well incorporated.

You do have a couple options for the cheese. It comes In block form and you can absolutely just chop it into small pieces (think pea sized), or you can use the tines of a fork to kind of grate the cheese over top of the salad so that it’s a bit more “crumbly.”

For the dressing, simply mix the balsamic vinegar of your choice with the juice of half a lime, to your preferred taste. (Salt and Pepper are optional, if that’s your thing!) This salad is pretty juicy with all the fruit so a little goes a long way with the dressing. Be careful: too much and it will sog-out the whole dish.
P.S. This salad pairs perfectly with a mojito, just sayin’!

Love, light and lentils, my friends!