Tofu and Chickpea Vegan "Egg Salad"

After over 22 years of being plant based...I think I've tried just about every version of vegan egg salad out there but even with the good ones, the great ones, there is always something not quite right...until now! The trick to this recipe is getting your hands on some black salt (which isn’t black at all…it’s kind of pink!) and yes, I’m going to just say it now…you’re probably going to need to order it online!

Now, admittedly, there are a couple of steps to this recipe but nothing that’s going to take any longer than the time it would take to actually boil eggs!

Traditional egg salad has a couple of different textures going on, even if it might not seem so…the whites of a boiled egg are rubbery and even a bit bouncy while the yolks are crumbly and even a little chalky! In order to try and duplicate both textures we’re going to use both extra firm tofu and chickpeas for the filling.

What you are going to need to buy: Makes 2-3 servings

  • Extra Firm Tofu, 8 oz, crumbled

  • Drained Chickpeas, 1/2 cup, lightly mashed with a fork

  • Vegan Mayo

  • Yellow Mustard

  • Black Salt, tiny pinch

  • Minced Garlic (Optional)

  • Relish

  • Salt and Pepper, to taste

What you are going to need to do:

  1. In a medium mixing bowl lightly mash the chickpeas with the tines of a fork until they become slightly creamy but there are still some lumps. Again, think of the texture of the yolks of boiled eggs.

  2. Drain and lightly press your tofu to remove excess moisture. No need to press for any length of time, just between several paper towels for 30 seconds or so.

  3. Crumble the tofu into the bowl. You want slightly larger pieces than you would expect to have when you dice hard boiled eggs because the tofu will crumble a bit more when you stir everything together.

  4. Add a tiny pinch of the black salt. This is what is going to give you that sulfur or eggy flavor. JUST A PINCH…a little goes a long way and you can always add more.

  5. Now, I’m not going to give measurements for the Mayo/Mustard/Relish situation because everyone likes their egg salad a bit different…but mix in your condiments, add salt and pepper, and taste for seasoning.

  6. At this point you can add in a little more black salt if you like. Again…add sparingly.

  7. Combine well and serve sandwich style with your favorite toppings. I love mine with tomato and lettuce on white bread.

And, there you have it! The search is over…perfect vegan egg salad! Remember to save your aquafaba to use in another recipe or froth it up with a splash of maple syrup and add to your morning coffee! I do hope that you’ll try this recipe! Tag me online when you at @plantbasedgingr so that I can see all of your delicious creations!

Love, Light, and Lentils, my friends!