Sauteed Sweet Onion and Sundried Tomato Avocado Toast with Pistachios

Avocado Toast. Call me a hippie, call me granola, either way I love it. Pseudo healthy, super trendy, foolishly expensive, and something that yes, I happen to eat way, way too much of. I’ll be the first to admit that avocado toast at home tends to get a little boring but not with this recipe! Perfect for a lazy Sunday brunch the entire dish takes about 15 minutes to make…but only about half that time to wolf it all down!

So, full disclosure…this recipe is a bit of a hack job that I may or may mot have ripped off from a local joint in my neighborhood! They have an avocado toast on their menu that, to the best that my taste buds can determine, is served with caramelized onions and sun-dried tomatoes. (All things that I happen to love.) I also love this recipe because so many avocado toast recipes these days seem to be either served with cheese, in some form or fashion, or an egg but this one is sans both and with the complexity of flavors, I promise that you won’t miss either…even if you aren’t plant-based.

What you are going to need to buy:

Your favorite loaf of crusty bread

Sun Dried Tomatoes - (We love California Sun Dried jarred tomoatoes)

Minced Garlic - (we like these jarred options from Spice World!)  

1/4 Small Sweet Onion, Sliced

Olive Oil

Avocado, medium

Salt & Pepper

Lime Juice


What you are going to need to do:

This is the kind of recipe that feels a little silly to even type out and post…but here we go.

In a small skillet saute onions and garlic on medium heat until onions begin to turn translucent and take on a caramel color (6-8 minutes) After the onions have cooked 5 minutes or so, reduce heat to low and add in 2 or 3 tablespoons of the sun dried tomatoes (along with a little of the oil they are packed in) Cover skillet and let cook another 3 minutes or so. Stir occasionally. Be careful not to let the tomatoes burn.

Open and remove pit from your avocado.

Take one half of the avocado and gently mash with a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of lime juice until soft enough to spread.

Toast your bread.

Srpead the mashed avocado on the toast and top with the warm onion and tomato mixture.

Using the second half of the avocado, gentle slice in strips and fan over the top of the tomatoes and onions.

Garnish with crushed pistachios, a little more lime juice. Any oil left in the skillet can be drizzled over the top of the finished dish.
