Potato and Parsnip Mash with Garlic Brown Butter and Wilted Spinach

This week in my Misfits Market produce box I was loaded down with tons of potatoes and some of the most gigantic parsnips I have ever seen…and boom this recipe was born! I’d like to formally introduce you to your new favorite Holiday recipe!

This recipe is so easy and to be honest, is essentially just a small detour from traditional mashed potatoes! It’s also a great recipe for picky eaters because I promise you…if you don’t spill your secret about the parsnips, no one will ever know! Plus, garlic and brown butter…who could possibly turn that down?

What you are going to need to buy:



Sour Cream - (We love the Tofutti Brand best!)

Nutritional Yeast - (Note: this is what makes these wedges vegan, but if that’s not a concern for you, feel free to use dry Parmesan or even your favorite powdered cheese blend.

Butter - (We used Earth Balance Plant Butter)

Minced Garlic - (Our favorite is this jarred garlic from Spice World)

Salt & Pepper

Fresh Spinach

Olive Oil

What you are going to need to do:

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

Peel your potatoes and parsnips and cut into 1” cubes

Boil the potatoes and parsnips until tender, about 10-15 minutes.

In a small saucepan melt 1/3 stick or about 1/3 cup of butter.

A note on brown butter: I never knew what “brown butter” was until I lived up in Ohio’s Amish Country for about a decade. After melted, if butter is let continue to cook it will eventually go from bright yellow to a nice caramel color. Stir butter often so it doesn’t take on too much color or burn.

Once your butter has browned, remove from heat and add 1 heaping teaspoon of garlic. You will hear the garlic start to sizzle and the minced garlic should take on a nice toasted color as well.

Set your Garlic Brown Butter aside in a small dish and using the same pan add 1-2 cups of spinach and wilt on low heat. Set aside

When the potatoes and parsnips are soft drain and let sit for 1 minute in the hot pot to make sure they are very dry! This step is what will help make them extra fluffy.

In a stand mixer, with the whisk attachment, mash your potatoes and parsnips with sour cream, nutritional yeast, and salt. Whisk until soft and fluffy. No not overmix.

Serve topped with Garlic Brown Butter and wilted spinach, salt and pepper, to taste.
