Posts tagged teachers
New Study Finds Women Have 84 "Bad Skin" Days A Year! Five Habits to Take Back Your Skin and Your Pocket Book!

Thankfully there are more options than just clothes filled with stains and odor and clothes filled with toxic chemicals! Old fashioned laundry bars happen to be our favorite alternative but sometimes they can leave the consumer stumped as to how to use them! Here are 4 simple tricks to using all natural laundry bars!

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Old Fashioned Laundry Soap Seems Great…But Can Someone Tell Me How to Actually Use it in 2018?

Thankfully there are more options than just clothes filled with stains and odor and clothes filled with toxic chemicals! Old fashioned laundry bars happen to be our favorite alternative but sometimes they can leave the consumer stumped as to how to use them! Here are 4 simple tricks to using all natural laundry bars!

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Stay Healthy the Natural Way: 5 Easy Tips to use Anti-Bacterial Lemongrass this Cold and Flu Season

Nature has provided us with a natural alternative to the chemical-laden products that we’re tempted to send our little-ones back to school with and it comes in the form of lemongrass essential oil. Here at Lynseed & Co. we carry an entire personal care line that is enriched with 100% theraputic grade lemongrass essential oil.

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