Stay Healthy the Natural Way: 5 Easy Tips to use Anti-Bacterial Lemongrass this Cold and Flu Season

With the kids now back in school one of the main concerns on the minds of parents and teachers alike is keeping kids healthy, and as much as possible, keeping germs at bay in the classroom as well as at home. These efforts tempt many to reach for an array of sprays, gels, creams, or wipes that contain some kind of antibacterial agent. Over the last 15 years the antibacterial and personal sanitation industry has grown to a whopping estimated $1 billion dollars annually.

In recent years, however, the FDA has started to consistently enforce restrictions on companies producing these types of personal care and cleaning products that claim to be antibacterial. Is the FDA finally catching up with what many of the naturalists and we at Lynseed & Co. have been saying from the start, that these so called “healthful” products are actually doing more harm than good to us and society as a whole!?

The majority of products that make these antibacterial claims, about 75 percent, use a chemical called triclosan as an active ingredient. Up until the 1990’s this drug was strictly used in hospital settings, but has since then crept it’s way into mainstream commercial products including everything from soap, hand wipes, toilet paper, cutting boards, toothpaste, mattress pads and even clothing!

If you’re someone who’s even a little uncomfortable with the idea that we are routinely pumping our retail goods full of chemicals you’re not alone. Multiple studies have shown that the continued and consistent exposure to triclosan in animals appears to interfere with their ability to properly regulate thyroid hormones. This becomes particularly worrisome if the same holds true in humans potentially leading to infertility issues, artificially-advanced early puberty, obesity and even cancer.

Thankfully nature has provided us with a natural alternative to the chemical-laden products that we’re tempted to send our little-ones back to school with and it comes in the form of lemongrass essential oil. Here at Lynseed & Co. we carry an entire personal care line that is enriched with 100% theraputic grade lemongrass essential oil.

So…how can you use Lemongrass at home, work, and school this cold and flu season to keep healthy the natural way?

  1. Wash your hands! Anyone in the healthcare field will tell you…the absolute best way to keep germs away is to wash your hands regularly with good, old fashioned, soap and warm water! By using a soap that is also infused with lemongrass essential oil you’ll get the added benefit of it’s natural anti-bacterial properties.

  2. Diffuse Lemongrass Essential Oil! By diffusing into the rooms that you and your family spend the most time in, lemongrass essential oil will work to clean and eliminate the air-born germs and keep seasonal bugs from being “passed around”

  3. Skip the hand-sanitzer! Use a hand lotion that is made with pure lemongrass essential oil when on-the-go instead of those clear, gel, hand sanitizers. Not only will you still get the added benefits of germ control…bonus, no harsh alcohol or chemicals to dry out your skin!

  4. Make your own household cleaners! There are countless recipes online for natural and non-toxic household cleaners but our favorite mixes distilled water, organic witch hazel, and a blend of lemongrass essential oil with tea tree essential oil. Use to clean almost any hard surface in your home!

  5. Use an aromatheraphy hydrating mist! Hydrating mists are all the rage! In a small glass bottle with a misting pump simply mix distilled water with witch hazel, and lemongrass essential oil. For added immunity support you can also add other essential oils like clove, frankincense, lemon, tea tree, rosemary or lavender! Use several times a day for a refreshing, natural and anti-bacterial pick-me-up!

Lemongrass is both antimicrobial and antibacterial, making it the perfect edition to our all natural bar soaps, foaming hand soaps, lotions, shampoos and deodorants. The health benefits of Lemongrass essential oil don’t stop at simply killing germs, it is also a wonderful antiseptic, astringent, fever reducer, insect repellent, and works to help nursing moms produce more and better quality breast milk postpartum.

Did you know that we carry an entire line of lemongrass products? One of our most popular products is our foaming pump soap which is perfect for the classroom, breakroom, or even to keep in your car because it can also be used as a waterless hand sanitizer! Like all of our products our Lemongrass line is always handmade and never includes any preservatives, chemicals, or fillers of any kind!
