Dairy Free Peppermint Cheesecake

I don’t know about you but one of the things that I can’t seem to get enough of at the Holidays is peppermint! This Dairy Free Peppermint Cheesecake made with the Vanilla Oat Milk from the Rise Brewing Company is super easy and great to take along to a family dinner or work party because even your friends who are not dairy free will love it!

I’ve always kinda shied away from cheesecakes at home because they seemed so finicky. Line the pan with foil, bake with a hot water bath, magic spells to chant while it’s cooling so that it (fingers crossed) won’t crack…seemed like too much work BUT this recipe is the opposite of all that. Throw everything in a stand mixer and you’re off to the races! (And, for the record, yes…mine did crack, and it was STILL delicious! Best part of this recipe is that it works just as well if you’re planning to do a traditional cheesecake and are not worried about it being dairy-free.

What you are going to need to buy:

Graham Crackers 10-12, total

2-3 tablespoons Butter - (we used the plant-based butter from Earth Balance)

3/4 cup of Vanilla Oat Milk from the Rise Brewing Company

16 oz Cream Cheese - (we used the vegan cream cheese from Miyoko!)

8 oz Sour Cream - (we love the Tofutti Brand best!)

Egg Substitute (for 3 eggs) - (we used the Just Egg from the Brand Eat Just)

2 1/2 cup Sugar

2 tablespoon Vanilla Extract

1-2 teaspoons Peppermint Extract, depending on your taste.

Pinch of Salt

Red food coloring, optional

What you are going to need to do:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

To make the crust: Combine crushed graham crackers and melted butter until a sandy texture is achieved.
using a small glass, or the flat bottom of a measuring cup, press into the bottom of a spring-form pan. Store in fridge until ready to fill with cheesecake mixture to allow butter to firm back up.

In a stand mixture combine room temperature cream cheese, sour cream, and vanilla until soft and well combined.

With mixer on LOW, gradually add the oat milk, sugar, salt, and peppermint extract.

Next, add the “eggs”, gradually making sure everything is well combined. Once combined, beat on high for 1 minute.

At this point, if you are so inclined, you can remove half the batter and add red food coloring to the half that is left in the stand mixer so that you can then swirl the batter in the pan.

Pour batter into the spring form pan and bake for 1 hour, or until center is just set.

Once baking is completed crack the oven door and allow to cool, inside the oven for 1 hour.

Refrigerate 4-5 hours or overnight.

Serve cold, with your favorite non-dairy topping!