Baked Brussel Sprouts with Onion and Herb Sauce

I typically don't use much frozen produce but Publix had Birdseye veggies on sale a couple weeks back so I grabbed a few bags. Topped with a creamy sauce made with sauteed onions, nutritional yeast, garlic, oat milk from the Rise Brewing Company, and some herbed cream cheese from Miyokos Creamery I honestly wouldn't have even known the difference between fresh and frozen.

One of the things that really upped my at-home cooking game in a big way was when I learned to master making a roux (pronounced rue)! Literally, the vault of all the soups and sauces you love, is guarded by the culinary gatekeeper that is, roux. All it takes is a little butter and a little flour, some liquid and seasoning…once you get this down, you’ll never buy cream sauces or soups from the can or jar again. The cream sauce for this recipe is no exception and was literally whipped up with ingredients you probably already have in your pantry.

What you are going to need to buy:

Brussel Sprouts - (these were the ones used in this recipe)

One medium Onion, diced

Minced Garlic - (we like these jarred options from Spice World!)


Original Oat Milk from Rise Brewing

Nutritional Yeast - (If you don’t care about this recipe being vegan, you can use some grated parmesan.)

Butter - (We love THIS ONE from Earth Balance)

Herbed Cream Cheese from Miyokos Creamery

Salt & Pepper

Fresh Herbs, for garnish (pictured is Lemon Thyme)

What you are going to need to do:

Remove the brussel sprouts from the freezer and allow to begin to thaw.

Preheat over to 350 degrees.

To begin, in a medium skillet, saute your onions and garlic with a little butter until the onions are soft and have taken on just a little color. Add 3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast and mix well.

Reduce heat to low and add another tablespoon of butter. Allow to melt.

Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of of flour over the top of the onions and the butter and with a large whisk, stir the flour into the onion until a paste is formed. Cook for 60 seconds and then gently add in 1 cup of oat milk, slowly, while you continue to whisk, so as not to get lumps.

Melt into mixture 1/2 cup of cream cheese.

Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Remove sauce from heat.

Remove the brussel sprouts from the bag. If they are still too frozen to cut in half, just pop them into the microwave for one minute. Cut all of the brussel sprouts in half

No need to drain any liquid from them. You sauce has likely thickened up and the moisture from the brussel spouts will help loosen it back up when combined.

It’s okay that your brussel sprouts are still cold at this point, even still slightly frozen.

Into an oven safe baking dish, mix the brussel sprouts with the sauce and top with another tablespoon of nutritional yeast (or parm.)

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes until bubbly. Broil for the final 2-3 minutes so the top takes on nice color.

Let sit for 5 minutes before serving. Garnish with fresh herbs.