Teach Them to Cook: 7 Things That Young Adults Need to Know How to Cook Before Living on Their Own!


“I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.” - Julia Child

In a world that is increasingly more and more physically disconnected, teaching your kids the skills to cook good food, for the people they love, will ensure that you not only keep their bellies full and fed but their hearts as well.

Oh, the life we all lead in our early 20’s. Everything is a new adventure and at that age, leaving your parent’s house to live on your own might just be the biggest adventure of them all. Officially adults, but don’t be fooled, most kids from 18-22 are very much still shedding their childhoods, as they work to become the people they are destined to be. And while the sterotype of cold pizza and microwave ramen might not be too far off for a lot of 20-somethings, one of the best things that the older adults in these young peoples’ lives can do is make sure they have some legitimate skills in the kitchen before they leave your family home. So, here are the top Seven Things That Young Adults Need to Know How to Cook Before Living on Their Own!

#1: How to Cook and Dress Pasta

You knew that this one was going to make it onto the list! Pasta is probably the quickest and easiest thing to make. Whether you are going to use it as a base for a killer gourmet mac n cheese or slather it in jarred pasta sauce and eat it from a bowl on the couch, learning to cook pasta is a necessity.

Although not overly complicated, learning to make pasta allows your kids to confidently master some basics of cooking: How to choose the right sized pot, how to boil water, how to not let your pot boil over (and bonus: if it does, it’s not a huge, remarkable, mess to clean up!) Don’t forget to teach them the tricks: Always salt your pasta water…bring the water to a boil and then drop your pasta, stir the pasta so that it doesn’t stick together or stick to the bottom of the pot, how to drain without ending up with a clumpy mess, and the benefits of a small pat of butter melted into hot noodles!

As for teaching them the correct single portion of pasta to cook…don’t worry about it, no one really knows how to do that.

#2: How to Saute and Roast Vegetables

I know, I know…this seems like this should be two things but just trust me! In teaching your kids how to saute vs. roast you’re introducing them to the two main ways of cooking, stove-top vs. oven. Take this opportunity to use the same vegetables in both cases (say, mushrooms, onions, broccoli, squash, peppers, and potatoes) and they will also learn how different cooking methods will result in different tastes and textures.

Roasting vegetables, will allow them to learn to clean and prep the vegetables, acquire some basic knife skills, season their produce, perhaps learn about marinades or the benefits of basting, learn the difference between a roasting pan vs. a cookie sheet, see what the broil feature of an oven can be used for and, in the end, have something delicious (that they might even toss on top of that pasta they just made…Did someone say Roasted Broccoli with Alfredo Sauce?!)

Additionally, when they learn to saute not only will they get some killer fajitas out of the deal, they learn about skillets vs saucepans or stockpots, choosing oil vs. butter, what a smoke point is, how to gauge and adjust cooking temperate, order of addition (ie: how different vegetables cook quicker or more slowly than others and when to add them) and how to safely handle a hot pan on the cook-top. Plus, sauteed veggies are the base for all kinds of soups and stews! More on that, later!

#3: Assemble and Bake a Casserole

Oh, the humble casserole, the culinary mid-point between cooking and baking! It really doesn’t even matter what kind of casserole you teach them to conquer! Does your family have a favorite recipe? Does your kid have a favorite vegetable? Baking a casserole allows them to take ingredients that are relatively inexpensive and create a dish that is far, far greater than the sum of it’s parts. Once mastered, and with a little kitchen confidence, they will be able to substitute ingredients to make all kinds of combinations!

Casseroles are great for young people in their early 20’s because it gives them something (other than potato salad from a plastic tub) to take to a community picnic or work potluck. When they learn to make a casserole they learn how to pre-heat an oven, the basic measuring of ingredients, both wet and dry, how to choose the right size baking dish, and how to tell when something is “set.” Plus, it’s probably a sure fire way to impress the mom of whomever they are currently dating.

#4: Make Scrambled Eggs

Weather they are going to eat them on toast with an avocado…pile them onto an english muffin or bagel for a breakfast sandwich, top them with the sauteed veggies that they learned how to cook in lesson #2 or just eat them plain, scrambled eggs are one of the most versatile of breakfast foods!

Scrambled eggs, plant-based or otherwise, are something that everyone needs to know how to prepare, because really...what’s better than breakfast? Similar to pasta, scrambled eggs seem pretty simple, but everyone makes them just a little bit different: Cooking spray or butter? Do you salt and pepper your eggs before you scramble them, or before you serve them? Add milk, or no milk? What about cheese? When do you add the cheese? How much do you stir? And, for the love of all that is holy, how do you clean 2-day-old eggs out of your only frying pan?

#5: Brew a Pot of Coffee

Speaking of breakfast, let’s talk coffee!

Maybe the young adult in your life just landed the internship at their dream job and now…coffee duty is on them, or they are volunteering at a local community or charity event, or perhaps they are just cramming with their room-mates for finals, no matter the reason and regardless whether they drink it or not, everyone needs to know how to brew a good, strong, pot of coffee!

#6: Nail a Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This one might be my favorite on the list and not just because, personally, I’m a huge grilled cheese geek! I know what you’re thinking…come on, grilled cheese, really?

Yes. Really!
Choosing the correct pan, maintaining skillet temperature, type of bread, variety of cheeses and how they melt, the melt point vs. the burn point, and even how and when you choose to flip…the perfect grilled cheese is something no one ever regrets knowing how to make and just like the sauteing of vegetables the skills your kids will learn will allow them to make all kinds of griddled sandwiches including melts, paninis and even quesadillas!

#7: Make a Pot of Chili

Okay, gang… we made it to #7! This last one might seem a bit strange but just hang with me for a couple more paragraphs and it will all become clear. If your young adult has made it through 1-6 they have nearly all the kitchen skills they will need to make a really delicious pot of Chili.

They know how to: prep, chop, and saute vegetables, choose the correct sized pot for the job, measure wet ingredients, (stock, tomato paste, etc…) measure their spices, (dry ingredients) taste for seasoning, monitor and safely handle a hot pot on the stove-top without it boiling over and (depending on the casserole you taught them to make earlier, they may even know how to fry up ground-beef or a plant-based alternative.) If not, that’s the last step (if you want your chili to have meat…) The best part about Chili is, beyond that, it really is a waiting game more than anything, which also helps to teach patience in the kitchen and will allow them to see how flavors deepen and get better over time.

A pot of chili easily feeds a crowd and is the perfect way for your kids to showcase their new culinary skills for their friends on a Saturday afternoon! Chili-dogs, anyone? Leftovers can keep, in the fridge, and be eaten all week long and it’s a frugal meal that most people enjoy!

So, that’s it! The list of the top 7 things that young adults need to know how to cook before living on their own! Seven simple things, that after they learn, will help them to have the confidence to tackle all kinds of other unique and tasty recipes in the kitchen! In a world that is increasingly more and more physically disconnected, teaching your kids the skills to cook good food, for the people they love, will ensure that you not only keep their bellies full and fed but their hearts as well.


Sarah Seeds, CNHP and UNOS Ambassador

Sarah, aka: The Plant Based Ginger, has been in the plant-based community for 20 years and has worked in natural skincare as well as the health and wellness sector. Over the years her love of holistic wellness, essential oils, and plant-based cooking has merged to create the PBG website and social brand. Sarah is currently living back in Central Florida, where she was raised, after spending over a decade up in Ohio’s Amish Country! She is a Certified Natural Health Practitioner, UNOS Ambassador, Homecook, Coffee Lover, and Fur Mom!