Dairy Free and Egg Free Hollandaise Sauce!

I don’t typically do a lot of sauces or gravy recipes on the blog but as some of you know, I have been on a mission to beg/borrow/steal a really great Vegan Hollandaise Sauce and I, I don’t want to jinx it, but I think this weekend, I just might have nailed it. No eggs, no dairy, still creamy, with just just enough tang!

If you’re looking for an alternative for the traditional hollandaise sauce, it’s seriously your lucky day! I undertook the mission to try and perfect this recipe after my mom was placed on the transplant list for a new organ…and we found out that after surgery se wouldn’t be allowed to eat any kind of runny (or as we call them in our house, “dippy” eggs.) Yes, a lot of my recipes are vegan, but my Momma is not and she loves hollandaise sauce! But, this recipe is also perfect for anyone with a suppressed immune system who can’t eat “raw” animal products, or pregnant women who are supposed to stay away from runny eggs!

What you are going to need to buy:

Vegan Butter - (This recipe used Earth Balance)

Nutritional Yeast

Black Salt - (Which isn’t black, it’s actually pink…I know, I know! Weird!)

What is black salt, anyway?

It’s a form of rock salt found in South Asia with a sulphurous, pungent smell. It is also known as "Himalayan black salt" and is used in vegan cooking to help replicate the flavor of eggs!

Black salt has antioxidant properties and has surprisingly low sodium levels. It also contains important minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential to healthy bodies. Black salt stimulates bile production in the liver, and helps control heartburn and bloating.

Sour Cream - (I’m a pretty die-hard Tofutti fan, so that’s what I always use!)

Lemon Juice

Salt and Pepper, to taste

Turmeric, for color

What you are going to need to do:

After all kinds of crazy attempts, the irony is that, this recipe is really quite simple and can even be made without a cook-top by only using the microwave if you are so inclined!

Start by melting 4 tablespoons of butter.

To the hot butter you’ll add 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast! Make sure to do this while the butter is hot so that everything dissolves nicely. (This might be the advantage to a small sauce pan on the stove!)

Once the nutritional yeast is melted, add 3 tablespoons of dairy-free sour cream and mix well.

Now, at this point, the base is done and all we need to do is add the egg-y and lemon flavor of traditional hollandaise sauce!

This is where the black salt comes in and I’m just going to warn you…this stuff is potent, so add slowly…you can always add more but it’s hard to back it off if you go too far!

To your base, add 1/8 teaspoon of black salt, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, a small pinch of turmeric for color…or if you’re not picky about food coloring a drop of yellow color would work as well, plus salt and pepper, to taste. (White pepper, if you have it!)

Mix until well combined! At this point, taste it! I know, crazy, right? If you like a more tangy sauce add a bit more lemon…think it needs to be a bit more egg-y another small pinch of black salt will take care of that. Some people even add a dash of paprika to their hollandaise sauce!

The trick to this recipe, in my opinion, is the sour cream because it helps achieve that creamy/fatty texture that the egg yolks would normally provide.

Let the sauce sit at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and it will thicken up even more as the melted butter cools and sets up a little.

And…there you go! Quick, easy, tasty…safe for all! I served mine over a vegan quiche this weekend and it was divine! Give it a shot. You won’t be disappointed!



Sarah Seeds